As 2013 comes down the final 3 months, I can’t help but look back over the entire year in disbelief. I set numerous goals, achieved some of them, failed at others, all the while forgetting that time was passing by. But here we are into October. It’s football season, the leaves will be changing soon, I have to figure out what I’m going to be for Halloween, and before we know it we’ll be carving turkeys and opening presents. But before I get ahead of myself, here’s a look back at my September goals and how I did:
September Goals ///
- Launch sample album blog. Still working on it. Yikes, I know. But I have it on the calendar to work on it this week or next week.
- Get a wedding published in a wedding blog. Done! Karen + Garth were featured on Carats & Cake 🙂
- NOT cry (like a baby) when giving my MOH speech at my cousin’s wedding. Success! And I also succeeded in making my brother, Jake, cry during it. I think I get bonus points for that one.
- Keep working out 3-4 times a week. Done. My new favorite is Nike Training Bootcamp… it’s a killer.
- Start cooking/eating at home more. I’d say I cooked a little more this month. I made chicken tacos…once. Okay, I’m still working on it.

October Goals ///
- Get that sample album blog up!
- Get another wedding published in a wedding blog.
- Announce Winter Session specials.
- Finish all pending album designs.
- Volunteer somewhere.
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